How to Activate Your Faith on God’s Promise?

Glory be to God welcome back to the salt and light commission! Have you ever heard God make a promise to you? Yes, I know that all the promises in the bible are our promises if we believe, but I’m talking about have you ever heard God promise you something directly? Big or small, God said it would be fulfilled in your life? It happened to this guy called Abraham. Today we are going to look at a friction of his story and focus on the promise God made to him and what tools were given to him, so he could have faith that the promise would be fulfilled. It’s my hope that if we examine his method we can use it to activate our faith on a personal promise from God to us.

With a new year and a new season like spring, comes goals and dreams being set and renewed. When the fireworks fly, and the clock counts down to midnight on New Year’s Day, must of us have in our minds set on goals and dreams we want to accomplish in the coming year. Something comes alive in us when we realize the whole brand-new year or a new season is set out before us. As the year marches on and we have not accomplished a single goal or we are not as far along as we hoped, we begin to lose focus and hope to ever see the dream come to pass.

Promises from God can be the same way. At some point in your life God has spoken a promise to you. Maybe not an audible voice, but you heard it in your spirit. His voice. His voice confirming a desire in your heart. You can’t explain it, but you know it is God. God maybe even a little short on the details, but you know it’s Him saying He will answer your prayer.
But as time passes, the promise goes unfulfilled. How do we keep the faith that it will come to pass? Reaffirm that God is not like man that He would lie. how can you activate you faith?

For help in this let’s look at Abraham. What makes Abraham the father of faith? It’s true he had amazing ability to wait 25 years on God’s promise to manifest. But what gave him that ability? The answer — he could see it!
God told Abraham he would be the father of many nations. God could have stopped there but He didn’t, God said to him, “Look in the sky, your seed will be as numerous as the stars. Now look at your feet, your seed will be as numerous as the sand.” What’s interesting is God gave him a promise and gave him a picture to remind him of it.

I can imagine Abraham years and years later, still childless, thinking “Did I hear God right? Maybe I dreamed the whole thing.” Then he would look up at the night sky and see the twinkling stars then he would be taking off his sandals before bed and notice the sand under his feet and say, “oh yes, I did hear him.” It served as a reminder to him year after year. Every time he saw those things it had to be empowering him to continue to believe. It was strengthening his faith!

Lots of times our dreams die, because we don’t put a picture with the promise God placed in our heart. So now years have passed, God’s message seems like something you made up in your mind, and you have nothing to remind you of what God said. So, this is the answer on how to activate our faith on the promises of God. This is what we need to do, everyone that has a promise from God — a desire He has placed in your heart– to get a picture, better yet 2 pictures of that promise…that dream house, that business, articles on healing, stories of families turning towards Christ…whatever it is. Place those pictures in areas where you will see them often. That way, when the message fades after time has passed, and you begin to wonder if you really heard from God, you can look at that picture(s) and say, “Oh yes…God has promised me, and He is faithful to complete it.”

Now as always, I want to hear from you. Tell me if you have done this method for a promise or a dream God has given you?  How did you activate your faith?  Did it work? Is it helping you keep the faith? Has the promise come to pass yet? Let me know if you plan to try it.

This wouldn’t be salt and light commission if we didn’t extend an invitation for someone out there to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. This after all, is the great commission. Message me…I’d love to pray with you and give you tools to live a holy life. We are to live holy, because God is Holy.
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